Style: | Determines the style of date to be printed, as well as whether the time of file creation is printed in addition to the date. Each abbreviation means the following: dd - The date, in double digits, of image creation. For example, "02" or "23". mm - The month, in double digits, of image creation. For example, "06" or "11". yyyy - The year, in four digits, of image creation. For example, "2008". Month - The full name of the month, starting with a capital letter, of image creation. For example, "February". month - The full name of the month, starting with a small letter, of image creation. For example, "september". min - The minute of image creation. For example, "54". 12hr - The hour, in a twelve-hour system, of image creation. For example, "11". With this setting, "am" or "pm" is added to the time of image creation. For instance, "11:54am". 24hr - The hour, in a twenty-four hour system, of image creation. For example, "23".
Color: | Determines the color used to print the date. Click on it to choose another one.
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