Viewing and Editing EXIF Information

This dialog allows the user to view and edit EXIF information, if it is present. To open it, click on the "Edit EXIF" button below the preview image. If the button is disabled, the currently previewed image has no EXIF information. Note that any changes made will only be applied to the currently previewed image.


Note that if the data is simply viewed, and not modified in any way, the picture corresponding to the EXIF data is also left unmodified. However, if any data was changed, the picture will have to be overwritten, and in case it uses a lossy format, such as JPEG, its quality may decrease. To avoid it, make sure that the quality slider control is set sufficiently high (at or above the previously used quality value to save the file).

Camera Maker: The name of the manufacturer of the camera used to take the picture.

Camera Model: The full name of the camera model used to take the picture.

Date Taken: The date when the picture was actually taken. This is written by the camera itself to the EXIF file information.

Date Modified: While not technically belonging to EXIF, this date reflects the last time when the file was modified.

Focal Length: The focal length, in mm, of the lens at the moment when the picture was taken.

F-Stop: The f-stop set at the moment when the picture was taken.

ISO Speed: The ISO speed set at the moment when the picture was taken.

Exposure Time: Exposure time, in seconds, used to take this picture.

Compensation: Exposure compensation set when taking this pictures, in EVs.

Flash: Set to "Yes" if the flash was used when taking the picture, or set to "No" otherwise.

JPEG Quality: If the picture for which this EXIF information has been edited is saved in JPEG format, this slider determines the quality with which to re-save the picture in order to apply any EXIF changes. Note that if EXIF information has only been viewed, but not changed, the original picture will also be left unmodified.

OK If no changes were made to any EXIF values, this button closes the dialog box. If there are any changes, the file is re-saved with changes applie, and then the dialog box is closed.

Reset Reset all values to the original values stored in the file on disk.

Cancel Close the dialog without making any changes.

(c) 2008 Ketara Software