Font Size as Percentage: | The final size of the font is set as a percentage of the size of the image being processed. This is useful for processing images of differnet sizes at the same time, since the size of the date will be proportional to the size of the current image being processed. Percent Font Size: - The size, in percent, of the entire date string relative to the size of the image.
Font Size in Pixels: | The final size of the font is set to the fixed height specified in pixels. This value will not change even if images of different sizes are processed. Pixel Font Size: - The height, in pixels, of the entire date string.
Automatically Determine Font Size: | If this option is selected, DateMeNow will automatically determine the size of the date string for every image processed. If the images are of different sizes, the size of the date will be adjusted automatically.
(c) 2008 Ketara Software