Text and Rename Group

This group determines what text is printed on each photo.


Text to Print: This text box determines what text is printed on each photo. Note that the string [PHOTO_DATE] will be replaced by the actual date each photo was taken - for each individual photo. Any other text will be printed as is, and will be identical on each photograph. For example, in the picture above, each photo will have the word "Barcelona" printed on it, followed by the date it was taken: "Barcelona 02/02/2001".

Reset: This button resets the text box to its left to print just the date each photo was taken, without any extra text - that is, the text box contents will be replaced by the string "[PHOTO_DATE]".

Rename Files: This text box determines how each file is to be renamed if the corresponding check box in the Tasks group is checked. It works similarly to the "Text to Print" string, and renames each file to the specified string while replacing special symbols with values individual to each file.

For example, if the renaming pattern is [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD] [OLD_NAME].[EXT], a file originally named "DSC0001.JPG" taken on February 18, 2008 will be renamed to "2008-02-18 DSC0001.JPG".

The special symbols supported by the renaming command are listed below:

[OLD_NAME] - The original name of each file that is being renamed, without its extension. For example, for a file named "DSC0001.JPG" this would be "DSC0001".
[EXT] - The extention of each file that is being renamed. For example, for a file named "DSC0001.JPG" this would be "JPG".
[YYYY] - The four-digit year when the photo was taken.
[MM] - The two-digit month when the photo was taken.
[Month] - The name of the month when the photo was taken (for example, "January").
[DD] - The two-digit day when the photo was taken.
[HH] - The two-digit, 24-based hour when the photo was taken.
[MIN] - The two-digit minute when the photo was taken.
[SEC] - The two-digit second when the photo was taken.

Reset: This button resets the renaming pattern text box to its left to rename files to include the full date and time in each file name.

(c) 2008 Ketara Software