![]() | A constant function which can be offset. It has the following controllable parameters: Thickness: Controls how far the function is offset vertically away from the main strand.
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![]() | A linear function which increases left-to-right. It has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls the slope (steepness) of the function.
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![]() | A linear function which decreases left-to-right. It has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls the slope (steepness) of the function.
![]() | A standard wavy, sin(x)-based function with low frequency, long waves. It has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls how high the waves are.
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![]() | A standard wavy, sin(x)-based function with high frequency, short waves. It has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls how high the waves are.
![]() | This low-frequency function is based on |sin(x)|, and is useful for making objects look bumpy. It has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls how high the hills are.
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![]() | This is the high-frequency version of the above function. It has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls how high the hills are.
![]() | A spiky, sharp low-frequency function. It has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls how high the peaks are.
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![]() | A spiky, sharp high-frequency function. It has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls how high the peaks are.
![]() | A standard square wave function. Useful as a base layer for multiple envleope layers. It has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls how high the peaks are.
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![]() | A standard triangular wave function. It has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls how high the peaks are.
![]() ![]() | A quadtratic increasing function. Unlike the linear kind, this function increases non-linearly. It has a sharp end and has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls how high the highest point of the function is.
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![]() ![]() | A quadtratic decreasing function. Unlike the linear kind, this function decreases non-linearly. It has a sharp end and has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls how high the highest point of the function is.
![]() ![]() | A square root increasing function. The rate of the increase of this function is highest on one end, and lowest on the other. It has a blunt end and has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls how high the highest point of the function is.
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![]() ![]() | A square root decreasing function. The rate of the decreasing of this function is highest on one end, and lowest on the other. It has a blunt end and has the following controllable parameters:
Amplitude: Controls how high the highest point of the function is.
(c) 2008 Ketara Software