Envelope Tab

This tab allows the user to edit the envelope of a currently selected organic shape.


Enable Envelope: If checked, and envelope will be applied and drawn around the main, central strand of the shape. If unchecked, only the main strand will be shown with no thickness.
Presets:Allows the user to quickly apply an existing preset to the currently selected shape.
Symmetry:Specifies whether the top and bottom envelopes of the shape are symmetric, and if so, which one to use. Can be one of the following:
None - the envelope is not symmetric. Both top and bottom envelope sides are enabled and may be different.
Use Top Side - top and bottom envelopes are symmetric, and both use the settings of the top envelope. Bottom envelope settings are disabled.
Use Bottom Side - top and bottom envelopes are symmetric, and both use the settings of the bottom envelope. Top envelope settings are disabled.
Enable Top Envelope:If checked, the outline is drawn along the top envelope.
Enable Bottom Envelope:If checked, the outline is drawn along the bottom envelope.

Master Thickness: A shortcut to control the thickness of the entire envelope at the same time. Normally, to change the thickness, each function's thickness would need to be adjusted. This slider changes them all at the same time.
Envelope Selection Buttons:Determine which section of the envelope is currently being edited. The envelope is broken into top and bottom sections "vertically" (perpendicular to the direction of the main strand). In addition, each of the top and bottom sections is divided into "start", "middle", and "end" sections "horizontally" (parallel to the direction of the main strand). Clicking on a button allows the corresponding section of the envelope to be edited.
Function:Controls which function is used for the currently selected part of the envelope.
Length:Determines how long each part of the envelope is horizontally. This value is in percentage points in terms of the entire length of the main strand. For example, setting it to "10" for the start section of the top enlveope will set the length of that section to 10% of the length of the entire curve

(c) 2008 Ketara Software