Shapes Tab

This tab lists all shapes in the currently active document, and allows the user to hide, lock, and rename them. It also shows the type of each shape.


Locking/Unlocking Shapes

To lock a shape, simply click on the empty region next to the eye icon. A lock icon will appear to confirm that the shape is now locked. Locked shapes are visible in the document, but cannot be selected or moved. To unlock a shape, click on the lock icon again.

Hiding/Showing Shapes

You can also hide a shape by clicking on the eye icon located next to it. A hidden shape is invisible in the document, and therefore cannot be selected or changed. To show the shape, click on the eye icon again.

Renaming Shapes

Finally, you can rename any shape by right-clicking on its name in the list, entering a new name, and pressing "Enter" (or selecting any other shape).

(c) 2008 Ketara Software