The Spiral Tool creates a spiral with a specified number of turns and a specified inner radius. The spiral can be either regular or exponentially narrowing towards it center.
Preset: Specifies the preset of an envelope to put around the newly drawn spiral.
Turns: The number of turns in a spiral. This doesn't have to be an integer - 1.4, for example, is also an acceptable value.
Inner Radius: This is the value, in percentage points, which specified how much the innermost point of the spiral is to be offset from its natural position at the center of the spiral. A value of 0% means that it will be located at the center, while a value of 100% means that the spiral will be a circle.
Exponentially Decreasing: If checked, each turn in the spiral will become narrower as it approaches the center of the spiral. If unchecked, the radius of each turn will remain constant.
(c) 2008 Ketara Software