Drawing Tool


The Drawing Tool lets you draw the main, central strand curves which Organic Studio can then smooth out and put an envelope around. This tool is good for fast and easy creation of high quality, smooth shapes. It can draw both open and closed curves.


Preset: Specifies the preset of an envelope to put around the newly drawn curve.
Fitting Tolerance: The tolerance used to convert all mouse movement points into a smoother curve. This value is in pixels. The higher the value, the smoother the curve, but, at the same time, the less exactly it approximates original mouse points. Conversly, the lower the value, the more rough the curve will be - however, it will correspond to the original mouse movements more exactly.
Close shape: If checked, the shape produced will be automatically closed by Organic Studio, even if the ends are far apart. If unchecked, the shape will remain open.

(c) 2008 Ketara Software