Select and Move Tool


This tool lets you select, move, rotate, and scale shapes. You can either hold the left mouse button down, and drag a rectangle around those shapes you want selected, or select them one-by-one by simply clicking on each shape.

You can also hold the Control button while clicking individual shapes, and this will select the shape if it is currently not selected, or deselect it if it current is selected.

You can also select all shapes by pressing Control + A, or deselect all shapes by pressing Control + D. Alternatively, you can click on an empty spot to remove the selection from all shapes.

Manipulating Shapes

When multiple shapes are selected, you can only move them - click with your left mouse button on any selected shape, and start dragging it to the desired location. All other shapes will move with it.

When a single shape is selected, you can rotate it by clicking and dragging one of the corner rotate icons, move is by clicking on the shape itself and dragging it, or scale it. There are two ways to scale a shape. One is to click and drag one of the squares on the sides of the selection box, which will scale the shape back and forth in that direction only. You can also hold Control to leave the other side untouched.

Alternatively, you can drag one of the corner squares, which will scale the shape in two directions. You can hold Shift while dragging to scale the shape uniformly, or Control to scale it from the opposite corner of the selection box, instead of from the shape's center.

You can also nudge shapes by pressing the arrow keys (up, down, right, left) when any shapes are selected. This will move the shapes by one pixel in the corresponding direction. Holding Control while pressing any one of these keys will nudge the shapes by ten pixels in the same direction.

(c) 2008 Ketara Software