SizeMeNow Basics

The idea behind the basic operation of SizeMeNow is very simple - you simply click on a folder or file you would like to scan in the Folder Tree View, and SizeMeNow starts scanning it, displaying results as they come in (if updating the views while scanning is turned on).

Once the scan is finished, the final results are automatically presented in a number of ways to help you analyze what, how, and where uses the space on your disks. These views include file ages, file types, subfolders and files within individual folders, top 100 files in any category, and more.

You can also conveniently save charts to file or copy them to clipboard with a single click of a button. Please see Saving Charts as Image Files or Copying Charts to Clipboard for more details.

Note that the user interface of SizeMeNow is completely customizable - you can tear away any of the views, and either make them floating windows, or attach as a sub-window anywhere else in the application. You can also add windows as tabs to any other windows.

(c) 2008 Ketara Software