Enable Scheduled Task: | If checked, the scheduled task is enabled. If unchecked, SizeMeNow scheduled task will be disabled and will not run. |
Scheduled Frequency: | This field determines whether the scheduled task will be run a single time, once a day, once a week, or once a month. Corresponding sections of the dialog will become enabled for each option chosen. |
Start Time: | The time of the day when the scheduled task is to begin running. |
Start Date: | The date when the scheduled task is to begin running. |
End Date: | You can optionally set the date when the task will stop running. If checked, this date will be active. If unchecked, the task will continue to be scheduled indefinitely (or until you manually disable it). |
Scan Location: | Specifies the location to scan when the task is run. Clicking the "Browse" button will open a standard Windows location chooser dialog. |
Output Report File: | Specifies the main file to which the resulting report will be written. Note that there may be other files accompanying it, such as charts and diagrams, which will be written to separate files. Hitting the "Browse" button will open a standard Windows file chooser dialog. |
Format: | This field determines what format the report is to be exported in. Supported formats include HTML, XML, CSV (for import in Excel) as well as plain text files. |
Add Dates to Report Names: | If checked, this option will add the date on which each report is generated in front of its name. For example, reports specified as "sample_report.html" will instead be named "11-08-2008 sample_report.html". This prevents SizeMeNow from overwriting reports when run on a regular basis. |
Run Once Every N Days: | This option allows you to run the task every N days, instead of every day. If set to 1 (the default), the task will run once every day. If set to 2, it will run once every two days, and so on. |
Monday: | If checked, the task will run every Monday at the time specified in the Main Options section. |
Tuesday: | If checked, the task will run every Tuesday at the time specified in the Main Options section. |
Wednesday: | If checked, the task will run every Wednesday at the time specified in the Main Options section. |
Thursday: | If checked, the task will run every Thursday at the time specified in the Main Options section. |
Friday: | If checked, the task will run every Friday at the time specified in the Main Options section. |
Saturday: | If checked, the task will run every Saturday at the time specified in the Main Options section. |
Sunday: | If checked, the task will run every Sunday at the time specified in the Main Options section. |
Day of Month: | Specifies which day of the month to run the task on. |
January: | If checked, the task will be run in January. |
February: | If checked, the task will be run in February. |
March: | If checked, the task will be run in March. |
April: | If checked, the task will be run in April. |
May: | If checked, the task will be run in May. |
June: | If checked, the task will be run in June. |
July: | If checked, the task will be run in July. |
August: | If checked, the task will be run in August. |
September: | If checked, the task will be run in September. |
October: | If checked, the task will be run in October. |
November: | If checked, the task will be run in November. |
Decmeber: | If checked, the task will be run in Decmeber. |
(c) 2008 Ketara Software